Thursday 14 November 2013

Ten Reasons to HATE Shopping

Whenever Eid is right around the corner, everyone goes out to do some last-minute shopping before leaving for their Towns and Villages. I for one have always been a Reading-Shopping-Baking kind of girl. Ha, funny how that changed. The shopping trips I went on before this last Eid have got me convinced that last minute shopping is the worst thing ever. What’s more, I can assure you that you will agree with me by 100% once you've been through this list.

The Top Ten Reasons For You to HATE Shopping:

1.  Your twenty year-old sister will go around all the stores trying on hundreds of dresses, to go back to buy the first dress she tried on-and your family thinks you’re incapable of making decisions.


2. You’re the human trolley. Your family knows you hate going to the non-stitched cloth stores, yet you are dragged into every single one of them just for the sake of it. And then just because you aren't feeling how fine or silky the materials are, you are given all of the carrier bags to hold while your family moves from store to store. Ouch.
3.Your Parents neglect you for some relative you don’t even know. Mom takes you to the Centaurus so that you can get your Eid Clothes but she’s so caught up looking for a blanket for your second cousin’s baby that she completely forgets the reason she went there in the first place; YOU!!!
4. Bargaining. What is it with women and bargaining? No, seriously. The shopkeeper gives you a decent discount but your mum and sister are forever nagging at him to reduce the price even more.
5. Your family spends too much time in all the stores. When it’s the DVD stores, your  teenage brother is drooling over the play station games, when it’s the shoe stores, it’s your sister checking out every last pair they have and when it’s the grocery stores, you practically have to drag your four year old brother out of the confectioners aisle. Thank God you already ordered the books you wanted for Eid online!


6. You’re tired. Your legs are killing you from all the walking around. The shops are all just so full that there isn’t even anywhere for you to sit!
7. You are the baby-sitter. You decide not to go into the next store because it’s just hot and stuffy inside so your mom goes “Oh good! You can keep your brothers out here so that your sister and I can shop in peace”. And so you are left to keep your siblings from running off to the Toy Stores and the Ice cream men.
8. Everyone calls you picky because your taste in clothes and shoes differs from theirs
9. Because you get hungry and your sister doesn't want you to go get something to eat since she wants your opinion on everything she buys.
10.Because it’s so difficult having to pick out the right presents for everyone. Why can’t everyone just like jewelry? It would save you a lot of time

The Verdict: While Shopping can be fun, it tends to be more of a burden before Occasions such as Eid, Birthdays or Weddings, which is probably why it’s best to get your Shopping done beforehand. Happy Holidays!



  1. The font is too large. Otherwise, its great. You might also want to adjust the pictures so they fit into the same column as the writing.
    Otherwise, its great! Keep it up!

  2. Thank you for your constructive criticism. We appreciate all our feedback and we will be sure to take your suggestions into serious consideration. :)
