Tuesday 24 December 2013

Stay Warm in Winter

AssalamuAlaikum and happy winter holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying their end of the year break from school, studies and exams! I’m sure this is a well-deserved break for many students!

This week’s article will be about different ways to combat the cold. With rumors in the air of drastic load shedding in the electricity and gas department, it wouldn’t hurt to know a couple of ways to keep warm without having to use your heater, whether it runs on gas or electricity.

First of all is dress warm. The human body gives off quite a lot of heat and it would definitely be a good idea to insulate yourself and thus keep warm. Try wearing turtlenecks and leg warmers, a hat wouldn’t hurt either. Dressing in layers would also efficiently keep the heat trapped in. Wearing a pair of socks is also good for staying warm.

If you feel that it is cold inside the house as compared to outside, the best thing would be to draw open your curtains and let the sunlight in. Sunlight is nature’s way of warming your house up. It would be ideal to remove any obstructions that block sunlight. Before dusk however, remember to put the curtains back because now you have to retain the heat absorbed during daylight.

Still feeling cold? Make yourself a nice cup of coffee to warm you up! It doesn’t have to be coffee, by the way. You can drink tea, hot chocolate, soup, whatever you like and it’ll keep your body warm by raising its temperature. So this is definitely a good past time for cold winter afternoons.

In case of black outs and no power for lighting, you can utilize candles. Not only are candles a source of light, but they’re also a source of heat, no matter how small. Buy several candles and enjoy a winter night in the candle light. Watch out where you place them though!

Do you enjoy cooking and baking? These two activities can keep you and your kitchen warm! However, watch out for steamy meals. Steam can increase humidity and thus make the environment colder since humid air has the ability to absorb heat efficiently from its surroundings!

Try out these tips and see what results you get. Not only would you be utilizing activities available to you, you’d also be saving energy and resources! Have a nice winter holiday and stay warm!


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