Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Guest Speaker Program at Agal

The first thing that came to my mind when I woke up this morning was “Its Blog Post Day yayyy!” Well okay, maybe that wasn't the first thing…but it was the second! The first thing that came to my mind was more along the lines of “I have GOT to stop falling asleep reading”. Lol. Nevertheless, I was pretty thoughtful of what I ought to write on-and that was when it hit me. Why not do a post that isn't extremely random but rather, is more concerned with something that actually happened at school. Hey, this is the Agal Blog after all. J Well, here we go!

The Agal Guest Speaker Program

Just yesterday Asad Umar came to Agal for a motivational talk. You can only imagine how excited everyone was. Especially all the PTI fans. A Council Meeting was held 2 hours before the actual event and for once, no one was tripping over chairs or yawning-everyone was ACTUALLY pretty wide awake. All the Council Members were given their assignments for the duration of the event (including being an usher, giving out refreshments and checking on the guests from time to time). AK was given the responsibility of being an usher. Ha! The halls were filled with teachers and students alike as they scurried from one room to the other, making sure that everything was in place. I once happened to walk into a group of girls testing over a hundred pens to make sure that they worked and another girl re-washing a tray! Talk about strange…

The talk itself was to be held in a huge tent that had been set up earlier in the front garden of the school. It looked lovely with the stage, chairs and decorations. A red carpet had been rolled out from the entrance, leading up to the stage. By 12:10, the head girl had “The Welcoming Committee” standing on either side of the red carpet outside the tent. The moment Asad Umar stepped into the school, all the talk of getting autographs and pictures died down. A bouquet of flowers was given to him and he was welcomed to the school. He was led to one of the two sofas at the front of the tent just as the headmistress and students of another Beaconhouse Branch also turned up. Everyone took their seats and the event began.

The Head Girl began by giving all the guests a warm welcome and expressing how pleased she was that everyone had taken out the time from their busy schedules to be there. Another Student was called upon for a brief intro on Asad Umar. The Student explained that Mr Umar was a graduate of one of Pakistan’s leading Universities and had won many awards. Not only had he been the CEO of Engro corporation, but once he realised that everything led back to the political stature of the country, he gave up his job (which he was being paid around 7 billion for) and instead stepped down into the busy battlefield of Politics. Whoa.

Mr Umar then began his talk. This being his first talk at a school since 1977 led him to admitting that he had been somewhat hesitant on how to keep teenagers interested. He had finally decided upon a talk on the topic of success as that is pretty much what everyone at high school is concerned with. He explained that his life had not always been perfect. In his childhood he had to face many tragedies including his mother being diagnosed with cancer and the death of his grandmother (who he happened to be very fond of).  Furthermore, he emphasised on the education he received as a young boy. Having attended an average school as a child, he had been blessed with teachers who believed in all their students and encouraged them to pursue their passions. All these reasons led up to his being who he is today.

Strangely enough, Mr Umar informed the audience that in Pakistan approximately only 1% of the total population receives a proper education. Being part of that 1%, he said that everyone ought to try their best our believe that they could do anything that they set their mind to. His advice was priceless; Make your own decisions and do what you are passionate of. Don’t do anything just because someone told you to. You grow from making decisions and learn from your mistakes.

The air seemed to change once the talk came to an end; as though everyone were still deep in thought. Having been fully prepared for an hour long bore of a speech, everyone was fascinated by his humorous talk that carried so much meaning. A short question and answer session followed, accompanied by the presentation of a shield to Mr Umar. Finally, The Headmistress of Agal thanked everyone for being there and had the refreshments served. Mr Umar then went to the Principal’s office for tea.

In the meantime, a group of us girls (including yours truly) waited outside the office to somehow get some autographs from him. Having been given the duty of doing the write up for the event, I had a pen and Diary on me. Sad as it was, everyone had me take out pieces of paper for them for their autographs (Luckily enough everyone had their own pens). Which is when it hit me; Mr Umar had said that he was in a hurry…wouldn’t a group picture be a better idea? Everyone agreed on the “Group Picture” Idea and in the end we even got it!

Overall, it was lots of fun and almost everyone was extremely pleased after the talk. (I say almost because there were many girls who didn’t get to be in the picture-technically it was their own fault though. They didn't have to rush up to the Cafeteria Area to finish their Lunch).

Well that’s all for today! The Midterm exams are starting on Tuesday so I need to get cracking…eek! Keep following us and leave us your feedback. See you around! ;)


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