Tuesday 18 February 2014

Interview # 1 : As Student Coordinator Rahma Aslam

Another Tuesday. Another Blog post day. Okay so you follow our blog and you read our posts but you don’t really know any of us. And by us I mean the amazing trio; me (Sam), Riku, and AK. But never fear, we've got your back ;) As the end of the semester draws near, we've decided to enlighten you with short yet fun interviews with students, teachers and other members of the Beaconhouse AGAL Family so that you can get to know us all J

Interview # 1 : AS Student Coordinator Rahma Aslam

So right before Maths Class, Riku and I set off to interview our first victim: Rahma Aslam. Just a crazy cat lover who happens to be the AS Student Coordinator. Oops, did I say victim? :P

Me: Hi Rahma!
Rahma: Hi!
Me: How’re you?
Rahma: I’m good, thanks!
Riku: Okay so what are your subjects?
Rahma: I take the Sciences and English Literature.
Riku: How old are you?
Rahma: I’m 17
Me: What do you like best about AGAL?
Rahma: What I really like about AGAL is that we’re all like a family. Unlike at other schools, the girls aren’t all divided into groups of their own. Everyone here is friends with each other and there’s not even any discrimination between the As and A2! All the staff and teachers are really helpful too.
Me: Now I’m going to be really random. Any particular fandom that you support?
Rahma: The Hunger Games!
Riku: If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
Rahma: Augustus Waters from the Fault in Our Stars. Even though he dies, he has a cool ending. And he’s hot.
Me: ………
Riku: ………….

Me: Okay. Celebrity Crush?
Rahma: Liam Hemsworth or Chris Hemsworth, I can’t pick!
Riku: Favourite character from the Hunger Games?
Rahma: *Goes all starry eyed* Gale….no, Haymitch.
Me: Jeggings vs Skinnies?
Rahma: Jeggings.
Riku: Roman Mythology vs Greek?
Rahma: Greek, definitely Greek.
Me: What did you dress up as on Halloween?
Rahma: The Corpse’s Bride.
Riku: If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be?
Rahma: An Angel!
Riku: Now you’ve got to tell us the first thing that comes to your mind from these words. Heffalump.
Rahma: Heffa-what?
Me: Seriously, doesn’t anyone watch Winnie the Pooh?
Rahma: Uh no. Hufflepuff!


Me: Disney
Rahma: Mickey Mouse!
Riku: Strawberry Shortcake
Rahma: Redhead!
Riku: Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Rahma: I’m a cat person
Me: Should’ve guessed from all those weird pictures of cats that you put up on Facebook. And that caption under one of your pictures: Petting random stray cats since 1996.

Rahma: -___-
Me: Last Question, what would you like to read about on the blog?
Rahma: I think I’d read any interesting stories from people’s personal experiences.
Riku: Great idea! J
Me: Okay that’s all-thank you so much for your time Rahma!
Rahma: No problem!

That's all for now but stay tuned for our next interview! J

-Sam & Riku

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