Wednesday 26 February 2014

Interview #2 : Head Teacher Mrs Ambereen Gillani

Interview #2 : Head Teacher Mrs Ambereen Gillani

Hello world! It’s Wednesday and we've got another amazing blog post in store for you. Ready? Okay, we've interviewed none other than the Principal of AGAL; Mrs Ambereen Gillani (more commonly known as Ma’am Amber). So you know all about Agal and all them amazing events that have been going on lately but what about the mastermind behind it all? I mean there is ALWAYS a mastermind behind everything (even when it’s not something evil, right?) :P So ladies and quite scarce gentlemen may I present to you Ma’am Amber!

Sam: Hi Mrs Ambereen!
Mrs Amber: Hello!
Sam: Okay so we understand that aside from being headteacher, you also teach Law and English language. Which schools and colleges have you taught at, aside from AGAL?
Mrs Amber: Well I have taught at various other Beaconhouse branches, Headstart, and Edwards College.
AK: Which subject do you enjoy teaching the most?
Mrs Amber: English.
Sam: What's your favourite frozen yogurt flavour?
Mrs Amber: Hmm..I can't quite put my finger on it. Lemon, I think it was.
Sam: Ooh lemon's one of my favourites, too! I really like blueberry and raspberry too, though.
Mrs Amber: *snaps fingers* That's it! Raspberry and Blueberry are my favourites too!
Sam: Okay, if you found out that Hollywood was in the middle of producing a movie of your life, what would you name it?

Mrs Amber: *shrugs* I don’t know…memoirs of a complicated existence perhaps!
AK: Lol! Who would you like to portray you in it?
Mrs Amber: Meryl Streep. She's pretty.
Sam: *thoughtful* You look a little like her!
AK: Which song sums up your life?
Mrs Amber: *Laughs* probably some bhangra.
AK: What's your favourite movie?
Mrs Amber: The English Patient.
Sam: Any fandoms?
Mrs Amber: My son once tried to get me to read the Chronicles of Narnia but I just never get the time-I'm always so busy. Harry Potter is a cute boy though. Back when I was in high school, we didn't have any of these fandom shandom things. But there was a TV series I used to watch with my friends, called the 6 million dollar man. The moment Steve Austin would take shape on the screen we would all start screaming. He was VERY cute.

Sam: If you could be any superhero, who would you be?
Mrs Amber: Not superman-definitely not superman. But someone else who can fly really high up.
AK: Like the green lantern?
Mrs Amber: I've never heard of him. What's he like?
AK: Um.. he wears this green lantern-shaped ring. He flies.
Mrs Amber: Noo, someone else! Anyone else who flies. By the way are you going to ask me who my celebrity crush is?
AK: Actually, yes-that was the next question. Who’s your celebrity crush?
Mrs Amber: *a dreamy expression takes form* George Clooney!
Sam: Any particular reason?
Mrs Amber: *starts counting on fingers* He's single and oh so cute! *closes eyes and gasps dramatically*
Sam: You see, even our PRINCIPAL Fangirls. Take notes, people-how to be a successful teacher. :3
Sam: If you could be any kitchen appliance, what would you be?
Mrs Amber: I would be a mortar and pestle because it has been in existence for thousands of years and does not require any electricity. Also, it gives amazing aromas when you use it.

Sam: Okay, last question: what makes AGAL stand out from all the other schools? Why did you choose to come here?
Mrs Amber: I really love AGAL. I think that best part is that it is an all girls school. Girls need to be strengthened and equipped to deal with the hardships in life. Like that famous Brigham Young quote goes; "You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a nation." AGAL provides girls with the perfect environment to do just that!
Sam: Well, said. Thank you for your time, Miss!
Mrs Amber: No, no. Thank you, girls.

Don't you just LOVE her??

That's all for today but do keep checking our blog out-we've got loads of fun posts in store for you! :) x

-Sam & AK

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