Friday 14 February 2014

Road Safety

Everyday teenagers are injured or even killed in accidents that destroy not only their own lives but also the lives of their family and friends. The question to be asked is this; Can these accidents be prevented?

Young people are involved in a lot of incidents that are the result of social pressures exerted by peers as well as the exciting experience of driving a vehicle. Everything seems exciting and thrilling at first but the end isn’t exactly fun for anyone at all.
KEEP CALM AND DRIVE SAFELY - created by eleni
An accident can take place at anytime, at any place and be due to any reason. Over speeding is not the only cause of road accidents therefore we should also be conscious about every move we take while we have our car in motion. There are thousands of people we drive by, thousands of lives in danger of ending by our hands. Why risk someone's life by being careless, why come close to accidental killing when we can prevent?

Better a thousand times careful than once dead -Proverb
Drive safe
There are so many accidents that teenagers can prevent. We have to understand that the legislations regarding road safety are there for our own good and we must take them seriously. We should put on our seat belts and drive only if we have a certified driving license and can be deemed responsible to travel on the road. As a driver, you should also know your limits. Going out to drive when the weather is at its worst and the roads are difficult to navigate on is something that should only be done during extreme emergencies. Perhaps most important of all, we must not drive when we are tired or sleepy.

As Volunteers in the field of Prevention of Accidents and as fellow teenagers, we recommend all of you to leave your ego at home and do everything you can to prevent accidents.

It is better to lose one minute in life... than to lose life in a minute -Author Unknown

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