Friday 21 March 2014

Interview # 4: Aiman Amjad and Javeria Ahmed

Now that you all are familiar with Saliha Wahaj, you’re probably curious about her three friends. Aiman is the resident school genius but don’t get me wrong-she’s anything other than boring! Aside from her helpful nature, Aiman is probably one of the craziest people that I know (and that’s saying something because the majority of my friends belong to a nut house). Javeria on the other hand is the silliest, most funniest person at AGAL. She livens EVERYTHING up (including classes) and school can be such a bore without her. I sure wonder how AGAL’s going to cope once these two graduate!

Interview # 4 : Aiman Amjad (Head of Community Services) and Javeria Ahmed (Head of Environment Society)

Sam: Hey girls!
Aiman: Hey!
Javeria: Hi!
Sam: Soo how old are you?
Aiman: We’re both 18.
Sam: What’s the best thing about AGAL?
Aiman: Our Head; Ma’am Amber. She is amazing!
Javeria: The gossip!
*me and Aiman turn to look at her, stunned*
Javeria: Onlyy joking.
Sam: What was the last book that you read?
Aiman: The Kite Runner.
Javeria: The fault in our stars.
Sam: In your opinion, which Pokémon is the most pointless?
Aiman: I hate them all.
Javeria: *shoots a challenging look at Aiman* I don’t hate anything-I love them all. Especially Pikachu.


Sam: If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
Javeria: Does that include cartoon characters?
Sam: Yes, Javeria! :D
Rimel: Aiman would be Yogi Bear.
Aiman: Yeah! Either Yogi Bear or Po from Kung Fu Panda.
Sam: Hey you’re not meant to be part of this, Rimel! What about you Javeria?
Javeria: Ooh! I’d be Laalaa from the Teletubbies!! Or Daffy Duck from Baby Looney Toons.
Javeria can be so adorable at times.

Sam: Hahaha okay so what are three things you always carry around with you?
Aiman: My phone, table tennis racquet and mints.
Javeria: My phone, body mist and candy!!
Sam: What song best describes you?
Javeria: The Kung Fu Panda Theme Song best describes Aiman!
Aiman: And “Meri Nanni Pari” best describes Javeria.
(Look at how well these two know each other!)
Sam: I have no idea what that is Aiman, but lets move on to the next question! Who are your Celebrity Crushes?
Aiman: Roger Federer and Shahid Afridi!
Javeria: Enrique and Edge.
Sam: Okay so now you’re going to have to tell me what comes to your mind when I say these words. Okay Javeria; ice cream!
Javeria: Manolo Gelato!
Sam: Aiman, Rhododendrons.
Aiman: Mojo jojo!

Sam: Bazinga!
Javeria: Aazunjubia!!
Sam: Say wha-could you maybe right that down for me?
Saliha: I’ll do it!
Sam: Where did you just come from??
Saliha: *writes down the word*
Sam: You and Rimel do realise you’re not meant to be cutting in right now…right?
Saliha: *shoots me a wicked smile* yeah, we know.
Sam: Okay Aiman, Shaman!
Aiman: Shami Kebab!
Sam: Okay, Pizza hut vs Dominoes?
Javeria: Pizza Hut!
Aiman: Dominoes, obviously!
See? I wasn’t kidding about their being opposites!!
Sam: If you were sitting here in the exact same place next year celebrating about something, what would that something be?
Aiman: Wait-sitting on the ground between the back door and stairs?
Sam: Okay, maybe not the exact same place. Say, in classroom # 2.
Javeria: We’d be celebrating with our favourite Economics Sir that we’d finished our first semester at University!
Sam: Aww. Here’s your last question: so we’ve been hearing about your sudden fascination with drums. Something tells me you’re not referring to the musical instrument. Care to enlighten us with this someone’s identity?

Javeria: *laughs* Oh he’s just a drummer.
Aiman: Yeah just a dohl wala in F11.
Javeria: F-10.
Aiman: F-11!
Javeria: F-10!!
Sam: Okay, that’s all for today but keep checking us out for the final member of their group; Rimel Khan!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Interview # 3 : Head of Debating Society Saliha Wahaj

You all know her. Maybe not by name but I can assure you that you all can recognise her from a mile away. Saliha Wahaj is in the second year of her A levels at AGAL. She’s a brilliant student  who has  a love for public speaking, .Saliha and her friends are incredibly well known at AGAL and can be found playing a round of truth or dare (they’re famous for them dares), messing around in the gym, or just chilling in the cafeteria. They’re all incredibly different but manage to get on pretty well with one another (must be their mutual love for Imran Khan and Cricket). What you must NEVER do is taunt them. Or pick a fight with any of them. It could be the last thing you ever do (no, really). Let’s see if we can find out more about Saliha and her friends with a few more of them interviews. :D

Interview # 3 : Head of Debating Society Saliha Wahaj

Sam: Hi Saliha! How’re you?
Saliha: Hello! I’m good, Alhamdulillah. What about you?
Sam: I’m great! Okay, so how old are you?
Saliha: I’m 18 ¾.
Sam: Who is your favourite teacher here at AGAL and why?
Saliha: My favourite is our Economic teacher; Sir Naveed. He has been incredibly supportive of us all for the past two years. Teachers like that are very difficult to come across. He’s very kind and helpful and well-he’s simply the best!
Sam: I agree; Sir Naveed is my favourite teacher too. Economics class is always so much fun!
Sam: Okay Saliha, what was the last argument you had about?
Saliha: The last argument I had was with my friend Rimel because she was being sensitive and touchy over little things.
Sam: Oh! What superhero would you be?
Saliha: I’d be Batman.
Sam: Would you rather go to Narnia or Hogwarts?
Saliha: Hogwarts.


Sam: Do you prefer McDonalds or Kfc?
Saliha: McDonald’s duhh
Sam: Ooh here’s a tricky one! The cafeteria auntie’s shawarma vs. her biryani.
Saliha: I like her biryani better!
Sam: What’s your favourite movie?
Saliha: The Dark Knight rises.
Sam: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Saliha: *laughs* we egged a couple of people this once.
Sam: We? I suppose you’re referring to your group of friends?
Saliha: That’s right.
Sam: Okay now you’ve got to say the first thing that comes to your mind when I say these words. Ready?
Saliha: Yes.
Sam: Antidisestablishmentarianism.
Saliha: *frowns* Is that something to do with Economics?
Sam: Uh noo. Next one: Random!
Saliha: Rimel!
Sam: Bazinga!
Saliha: “stares at me in disbelief” What language is that?
Sam: As much as I love you Saliha, I can’t believe you don’t know where what bazinga is. What sadness.

Sam: So what would you like to read about on the school blog?
Saliha: What the Blog really needs is some good posts regarding school, religion and just things in general that everyone encounters.
Sam: Ooh yes! Will definitely keep that in mind for once we’re done with our interviews! Okay last question: who is your biggest enemy?
Saliha: From school?
Sam: Um..sure
Saliha: Why I tell you.
Sam: Why I tell you?
Saliha: *nods, as if that settles the matter* Why I tell you.
Sam: Hahaha. Okay, Saliha! Thank you so much for your time!
Saliha: You’re welcome.


Wednesday 26 February 2014

Interview #2 : Head Teacher Mrs Ambereen Gillani

Interview #2 : Head Teacher Mrs Ambereen Gillani

Hello world! It’s Wednesday and we've got another amazing blog post in store for you. Ready? Okay, we've interviewed none other than the Principal of AGAL; Mrs Ambereen Gillani (more commonly known as Ma’am Amber). So you know all about Agal and all them amazing events that have been going on lately but what about the mastermind behind it all? I mean there is ALWAYS a mastermind behind everything (even when it’s not something evil, right?) :P So ladies and quite scarce gentlemen may I present to you Ma’am Amber!

Sam: Hi Mrs Ambereen!
Mrs Amber: Hello!
Sam: Okay so we understand that aside from being headteacher, you also teach Law and English language. Which schools and colleges have you taught at, aside from AGAL?
Mrs Amber: Well I have taught at various other Beaconhouse branches, Headstart, and Edwards College.
AK: Which subject do you enjoy teaching the most?
Mrs Amber: English.
Sam: What's your favourite frozen yogurt flavour?
Mrs Amber: Hmm..I can't quite put my finger on it. Lemon, I think it was.
Sam: Ooh lemon's one of my favourites, too! I really like blueberry and raspberry too, though.
Mrs Amber: *snaps fingers* That's it! Raspberry and Blueberry are my favourites too!
Sam: Okay, if you found out that Hollywood was in the middle of producing a movie of your life, what would you name it?

Mrs Amber: *shrugs* I don’t know…memoirs of a complicated existence perhaps!
AK: Lol! Who would you like to portray you in it?
Mrs Amber: Meryl Streep. She's pretty.
Sam: *thoughtful* You look a little like her!
AK: Which song sums up your life?
Mrs Amber: *Laughs* probably some bhangra.
AK: What's your favourite movie?
Mrs Amber: The English Patient.
Sam: Any fandoms?
Mrs Amber: My son once tried to get me to read the Chronicles of Narnia but I just never get the time-I'm always so busy. Harry Potter is a cute boy though. Back when I was in high school, we didn't have any of these fandom shandom things. But there was a TV series I used to watch with my friends, called the 6 million dollar man. The moment Steve Austin would take shape on the screen we would all start screaming. He was VERY cute.

Sam: If you could be any superhero, who would you be?
Mrs Amber: Not superman-definitely not superman. But someone else who can fly really high up.
AK: Like the green lantern?
Mrs Amber: I've never heard of him. What's he like?
AK: Um.. he wears this green lantern-shaped ring. He flies.
Mrs Amber: Noo, someone else! Anyone else who flies. By the way are you going to ask me who my celebrity crush is?
AK: Actually, yes-that was the next question. Who’s your celebrity crush?
Mrs Amber: *a dreamy expression takes form* George Clooney!
Sam: Any particular reason?
Mrs Amber: *starts counting on fingers* He's single and oh so cute! *closes eyes and gasps dramatically*
Sam: You see, even our PRINCIPAL Fangirls. Take notes, people-how to be a successful teacher. :3
Sam: If you could be any kitchen appliance, what would you be?
Mrs Amber: I would be a mortar and pestle because it has been in existence for thousands of years and does not require any electricity. Also, it gives amazing aromas when you use it.

Sam: Okay, last question: what makes AGAL stand out from all the other schools? Why did you choose to come here?
Mrs Amber: I really love AGAL. I think that best part is that it is an all girls school. Girls need to be strengthened and equipped to deal with the hardships in life. Like that famous Brigham Young quote goes; "You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a nation." AGAL provides girls with the perfect environment to do just that!
Sam: Well, said. Thank you for your time, Miss!
Mrs Amber: No, no. Thank you, girls.

Don't you just LOVE her??

That's all for today but do keep checking our blog out-we've got loads of fun posts in store for you! :) x

-Sam & AK

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Interview # 1 : As Student Coordinator Rahma Aslam

Another Tuesday. Another Blog post day. Okay so you follow our blog and you read our posts but you don’t really know any of us. And by us I mean the amazing trio; me (Sam), Riku, and AK. But never fear, we've got your back ;) As the end of the semester draws near, we've decided to enlighten you with short yet fun interviews with students, teachers and other members of the Beaconhouse AGAL Family so that you can get to know us all J

Interview # 1 : AS Student Coordinator Rahma Aslam

So right before Maths Class, Riku and I set off to interview our first victim: Rahma Aslam. Just a crazy cat lover who happens to be the AS Student Coordinator. Oops, did I say victim? :P

Me: Hi Rahma!
Rahma: Hi!
Me: How’re you?
Rahma: I’m good, thanks!
Riku: Okay so what are your subjects?
Rahma: I take the Sciences and English Literature.
Riku: How old are you?
Rahma: I’m 17
Me: What do you like best about AGAL?
Rahma: What I really like about AGAL is that we’re all like a family. Unlike at other schools, the girls aren’t all divided into groups of their own. Everyone here is friends with each other and there’s not even any discrimination between the As and A2! All the staff and teachers are really helpful too.
Me: Now I’m going to be really random. Any particular fandom that you support?
Rahma: The Hunger Games!
Riku: If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
Rahma: Augustus Waters from the Fault in Our Stars. Even though he dies, he has a cool ending. And he’s hot.
Me: ………
Riku: ………….

Me: Okay. Celebrity Crush?
Rahma: Liam Hemsworth or Chris Hemsworth, I can’t pick!
Riku: Favourite character from the Hunger Games?
Rahma: *Goes all starry eyed* Gale….no, Haymitch.
Me: Jeggings vs Skinnies?
Rahma: Jeggings.
Riku: Roman Mythology vs Greek?
Rahma: Greek, definitely Greek.
Me: What did you dress up as on Halloween?
Rahma: The Corpse’s Bride.
Riku: If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be?
Rahma: An Angel!
Riku: Now you’ve got to tell us the first thing that comes to your mind from these words. Heffalump.
Rahma: Heffa-what?
Me: Seriously, doesn’t anyone watch Winnie the Pooh?
Rahma: Uh no. Hufflepuff!


Me: Disney
Rahma: Mickey Mouse!
Riku: Strawberry Shortcake
Rahma: Redhead!
Riku: Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Rahma: I’m a cat person
Me: Should’ve guessed from all those weird pictures of cats that you put up on Facebook. And that caption under one of your pictures: Petting random stray cats since 1996.

Rahma: -___-
Me: Last Question, what would you like to read about on the blog?
Rahma: I think I’d read any interesting stories from people’s personal experiences.
Riku: Great idea! J
Me: Okay that’s all-thank you so much for your time Rahma!
Rahma: No problem!

That's all for now but stay tuned for our next interview! J

-Sam & Riku

Friday 14 February 2014

Road Safety

Everyday teenagers are injured or even killed in accidents that destroy not only their own lives but also the lives of their family and friends. The question to be asked is this; Can these accidents be prevented?

Young people are involved in a lot of incidents that are the result of social pressures exerted by peers as well as the exciting experience of driving a vehicle. Everything seems exciting and thrilling at first but the end isn’t exactly fun for anyone at all.
KEEP CALM AND DRIVE SAFELY - created by eleni
An accident can take place at anytime, at any place and be due to any reason. Over speeding is not the only cause of road accidents therefore we should also be conscious about every move we take while we have our car in motion. There are thousands of people we drive by, thousands of lives in danger of ending by our hands. Why risk someone's life by being careless, why come close to accidental killing when we can prevent?

Better a thousand times careful than once dead -Proverb
Drive safe
There are so many accidents that teenagers can prevent. We have to understand that the legislations regarding road safety are there for our own good and we must take them seriously. We should put on our seat belts and drive only if we have a certified driving license and can be deemed responsible to travel on the road. As a driver, you should also know your limits. Going out to drive when the weather is at its worst and the roads are difficult to navigate on is something that should only be done during extreme emergencies. Perhaps most important of all, we must not drive when we are tired or sleepy.

As Volunteers in the field of Prevention of Accidents and as fellow teenagers, we recommend all of you to leave your ego at home and do everything you can to prevent accidents.

It is better to lose one minute in life... than to lose life in a minute -Author Unknown

Sunday 9 February 2014

University Expo 2014

University Expo 2014

Just another typical Monday morning and we’re on our way to school.
“So you have your exams in May, now?” my dad inquires as we turn onto the main road.
“Yes. I’m giving Economics, Psychology and Maths, so I’ll probably be free by the middle of June” I reply.
“Have you decided what field you want to further a career in? I know you’re only in your first year of A'levels but shouldn't you have started deciding by now?” Dad stops the car outside the school gate and I get ready to hop out.
“I’m still thinking,” I answer casually, but the surprised look on my Dad’s face gets me thinking.

I think, and I think. I sit through first period Maths weighing out my options. Where do I want to go now? What career do I want to pursue in the future?

Several hours later and I’m still on square one. My research on a school computer yields no result- except perhaps giving me a couple of intimidating university prospectuses to look at. I slouch on the chair and sigh. I am officially stuck!

And then I hear some voices. “….Yeah, I’m so glad. I haven’t got the faintest idea about all these deadlines and admission forms. Good thing we’re having that University Expo thing on Saturday”. I look up and see a couple of girls from my maths class walk in.
“What’s with this university expo?” I ask, not daring to hope.
“You haven’t heard? The school is calling in representatives from different universities to set up stalls this weekend. It’s like an open day where we can call in friends and family who want to learn about the different opportunities open to them after they have completed their A’levels. What’s more, students who have already applied will get a better look at all of the Universities they have applied to. We get to ask questions, find out about all the admissions and entry tests, and they give us cool freebies to keep-like pamphlets and stationary.”

Yes. So now you’re all welcome to Beaconhouse AGAL, (211 Service Lane, Main Margalla Road F-10/3 Islamabad) to join us at our exclusive University Expo. Timings? From ten in the morning to three in the afternoon- so that you have plenty of time to have all your questions answered!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get all the necessary information regarding University applications, Admissions and Programmes, this Saturday the 15th of February! Bring your friends, bring your family-the invite is extended to anyone else who will benefit from the cause! :D 

For more information, contact Beaconhouse AGAL at 051-2292304.


Wednesday 22 January 2014


Water is an extremely important part of our daily intake of fluids. After all, the human body is composed of 70% water and we lose so much of it through sweat and urine. It's extremely important to keep ourselves hydrated. The benefits of water don't stop here though!

drink water

Would you like to reduce weight? Water is a perfect substitute for high calorie drinks and it keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking enough of it can also reduce your appetite and thus help you control your food intake.

Water also helps to keep your skin healthy. Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin moisturized and fresh. It can also reduce wrinkles that are caused by dehydration as well as other skin problems for example eczema, psoriasis and dry skin. However, drinking more than necessary will certainly not turn time backwards.

Drink water
Drinking ample amounts of water also keeps your excretory system fit. You can prevent having kidney stones and reduce the risk of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Normal functions also continue to run smoothly with good intake of water.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a glass and drink for your health starting today!
Drink water :)
